General Discussion
Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. These cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to the body.
In addition to oxygen, hemoglobin transports carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs. Carbon dioxide is released as the person exhales. Having low hemoglobin can make it difficult for the body to perform these functions.
In this article, learn how to increase hemoglobin levels naturally. We also analyze the test methods and what the results show.
Normal Ranges
A doctor will check the low hemoglobin with a blood analysis.
Low hemoglobin is diagnosed when a man has less than 13.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL) of hemoglobin in the blood or when a woman has less than 12 g/dL.
A person may have a low hemoglobin level for several reasons, including:
• iron deficiency anemia
• embarrassing
• problems with the liver or kidneys
• chronic illnesses
It is possible that hemoglobin levels naturally decrease without an underlying cause. Some people can have low hemoglobin and not experience symptoms or signs.
With the guidance of a doctor, a person can increase their hemoglobin levels so that they reach a normal range. The normal ranges are:
• 13.5 to 17.5 g/dL for men
• 12 to 15.5 g/dL for women
The adequate hemoglobin levels for children vary depending on age. Anyone who is concerned about a child's hemoglobin levels should consult a doctor.
Persons with very low hemoglobin levels may need additional treatment if taking supplements and changing diet do not show sufficient results.
Symptoms of extremely low hemoglobin levels include:
• fast or irregular heart rhythm
• pale skin and nerves
• fatigue
• muscle weakness
•frequent or unexpected blackouts
• recurrent headaches
Causes of low Hemoglobin count
A person with low hemoglobin may have anemia. Common causes of anemia include:
• have iron, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
• substantial loss of blood
• cancer that affects the bone marrow, such as leukemia
• kidney disease
• liver disease
• hypothyroidism, or a thyroid gland that does not produce enough hormones
• thalasemia, a hereditary disease that prevents hemoglobin from working properly
• drepanocytic anemia, a genetic disorder that causes a reduction in red blood cells and hemoglobin
Low hemoglobin levels can also be caused by:
• lung disease
• smoke to excess
• burns
• extreme physical exercise
Low Hemoglobin vs Anemia:
symptoms and consequences
A considerably low hemoglobin is one of the main symptoms of anemia, a condition in which the number of red blood cells in the blood descends. Anemia can be the result of underlying illnesses or it can be the result of poor nutrition.
The symptoms of anemia vary according to the cause, but the different types of anemia and low hemoglobin have a common symptom: tiredness. Feeling too exhausted to carry out daily activities could, even if not exclusively, be a symptom that something is wrong with the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Other symptoms include:
• dizziness
• Vertigo
• Short of breath
• Pale skin and gums
• Cold hands or feet
If you suspect that you suffer from anemia and that you have low hemoglobin, see your doctor immediately. In the long term, anemia will continue to force the body's organs to function without enough oxygen, which can result in extreme exhaustion and the inability to perform daily activities.
Also, anemia can cause the heart to beat harder to compensate for the lack of oxygen, so the risk of heart failure will increase. In children, low hemoglobin and anemia can cause damage to physical, social, and emotional development.
How to raise Hemoglobin with dietary routine
When the cause of low hemoglobin is a nutritional deficit, the body can be helped to recover quickly with home remedies to raise hemoglobin. The key is in a better diet. To know how to increase hemoglobin, we must look for foods and recipes rich in the nutrients necessary for the creation of blood cells.
A person can increase their hemoglobin levels at home with dietary changes in the following way:
1. Increasing iron intake
A person with reduced hemoglobin levels can benefit from eating more iron-rich foods. The hierro acts by improving the production of hemoglobin, which also helps to form more red blood cells.
A diet rich in all the compounds that we have mentioned will help the body to maintain a normal hemoglobin level.
Some iron-rich foods include:
• Clams and cockles: they are some of the foods richest in iron, they contain more than the necessary daily intake.
• Whole grain cereals: Today, many cereals are fortified with iron and other vitamins. To facilitate its absorption, it is recommended to consume it with ingredients that contain vitamin C.
• Meats: chicken, beef, fish, pork, among others, are famous for their high content of easily absorbed iron.
• Lentils: they constitute one of the legumes richest in iron of vegetable origin.
2. Increasing folate intake
Folate is a type of vitamin B that plays an essential part in the production of hemoglobin. The body uses folate to produce heme, a component of hemoglobin that helps transport oxygen.
If a person does not get enough folate, their red blood cells cannot mature, which could cause folate deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
Good sources of folate include:
•frijoles (Jews)
3. Maximizing iron absorption
Consuming iron in food or supplements is important, but a person should also help their body absorb this energy.
Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, fresh fruit and green leaf vegetables, can increase the amount of iron that is absorbed. Taking a vitamin C supplement can also help. Vitamin A and beta-carotene can help the body absorb and use hierro.
Foods rich in vitamin A include:
•camote (potato or sweet potato)
•collard greens and chard
Foods rich in beta-carotene include yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables, such as:
•camote (potato or sweet potato)
Even vitamin A supplements can help the body process the iron, the vitamin is dangerous if consumed too much.
Excess vitamin A can cause a condition known as hypervitaminosis A. It can cause symptoms such as bone and joint pain, severe headaches and increased pressure within the brain.
4. Taking iron supplements
A doctor may advise a person with extremely low levels of hemoglobin to take iron supplements. The dose will depend on the levels of the person.
It is important to note that too much iron can be dangerous. It can cause hemochromatosis, which in turn can cause liver disease and side effects such as bloating, nausea and vomiting.
The supplements will cause the iron levels to increase gradually over a few weeks. A doctor may recommend taking supplements for several months to increase body water reserves.
5. Increase your intake of vitamin C.
The body's ability to absorb iron is made easier by vitamin C.You can fill up on vitamin C by consuming the following fruits and vegetables:
• citrus fruits
• mangoes
• cranberry
• the strawberries
• the cabbage
• broccoli
• peppers
• spinach
6. Eat whole grains
Wholegrain pasta, rice and bread are rich in iron. As mentioned above, iron is the main component in the production of hemoglobin, the blood needs it to make proteins. Eating these foods can increase your iron levels, which in turn also increases your hemoglobin levels.
Avoid bread, cereals and white pasta. Their nutrients were removed during their manufacture, which is why they lost color. These products have little nutritional benefit and often contain only carbohydrates.
Try to eat less gluten. In people who are sensitive to gluten, the consumption of foods containing it can damage the walls of the small intestine, which can slow down the absorption of certain nutrients such as calcium, lipids, folic acid and iron.
Many restaurants can offer gluten-free options to people who need it. There are also many gluten-free products in stores.
Natural remedy
Studies show that consuming this plant can cause a significant increase in hemoglobin levels, especially in children. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat anemia due to iron deficiency .
In the aforementioned study, people who took withania saw an increase in the number of red blood cells as well as their hemoglobin level. Speak with your doctor about this dietary supplement to see if it may be right for you.
1. Consume nettle for a good source of iron.
Nettle is a good source of iron and is commonly used to treat arthritis. Iron plays an essential role in the production and absorption of hemoglobin. The more iron you take, the more hemoglobin you will produce.
You can find nettle extract in most health food stores as well as online. You can find them in the form of oil, capsules and also in herbal tea.
2. Try dong quai supplements.
Experimental studies reveal that the consumption of dong quai (or Chinese angelica) can bring the hemoglobin level almost to normal. It is usually used to treat premenstrual syndrome, cramps, constipation and anemia. The cobalt contained in dong quai would have the virtue of increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
You will most often find dong quai in capsule form, but you can also find it in extract form to mix into your drinks. You can find it in health food stores, some pharmacies and online.
3. Consider taking chitosan.
Studies have shown that patients with kidney failure who were given 45 mg of chitosan had lower cholesterol levels and higher hemoglobin levels . Talk to your doctor about this natural remedy to see if it might be right for you.
You can find chitosan online as well as in very good health food stores. For information, it is pronounced kite-oh-sane.
Increase Hemoglobin with Medical Treatment
Medical treatments Since not all causes of low hemoglobin are the same, medical treatment to determine how to raise hemoglobin will not be the same in many cases. These are some of the treatments that doctors might consider in cases where low hemoglobin is a cause for medical concern.
1.Blood transfusion
When hemoglobin is dangerously low, low enough to cause heart damage, doctors will consider blood transfusions to quickly raise hemoglobin and other blood cells. This can occur with hemoglobin levels at 8 or 7.
2.Bone marrow transplant
In the case of bone marrow diseases, in which the marrow is unable to produce the necessary cells, a bone marrow transplant may be the best or only treatment available to cure the anemia and restore hemoglobin levels. Meanwhile, blood transfusions can also help patients.
There are diseases of the immune system that cause the body to attack the cells created by the bone marrow. In those cases, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications to control the disease. This is also the case where the low hemoglobin is caused by infections, for which the necessary antibiotics will be prescribed.
3. Erythropoietin injections.
This is a hormone made by the kidneys to encourage the development of red blood cells in the bone marrow. When kidney cells detect low blood oxygen levels, they will produce and release erythropoietins to stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. The increase in red blood cells in the blood will also improve the blood's ability to carry oxygen.
Hormonal Treatments
When low hemoglobin is caused by excessive menstrual bleeding, the doctor may prescribe hormone treatments to control the amount of blood lost with each period.
Nutritional supplements
For the most common type of anemia, iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency anemia, treatment will consist of taking medications to raise iron, such as supplements rich in this mineral, and making changes to the diet.
This is also the case when low hemoglobin is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Supplements and dietary changes will help cure anemia quickly.
There are situations where low hemoglobin is caused by the body's inability to absorb the nutrients needed to create it. This can occur as a consequence of gastrointestinal or autoimmune diseases. In these cases, the consumption of high doses of the missing vitamins or minerals, as well as their intravenous application, is one of the treatments that doctors prescribe.
How to raise Hemoglobin in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, women are at higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin. For this reason, in order to know how to raise hemoglobin during pregnancy, it is of the utmost importance that diet is taken care of more than usual.
Since the intake of iron and vitamin B12 during pregnancy is vital for the health of the mother and the baby, it is advisable to consult your doctor if it is necessary to take supplements of these nutrients, especially if you follow a vegetarian diet and heme iron is not consumed.
The best natural treatment will always be to follow a balanced diet. Adding legumes, fruits, fortified cereals, and meat products to the diet will help prevent anemia in pregnancy.
On the other hand, you can reduce the consumption of foods that are bad for anemia, such as those rich in calcium, especially during the afternoon. It is also advisable to maintain a moderate consumption of coffee and tea.
Juices to raise Hemoglobin
Juices are a delicious alternative both to increase hemoglobin and to promote iron absorption. In addition, they also help keep the body healthy, full of energy and prevent anemia and other related diseases.
The key is to include foods rich in the compounds that we have talked about before. A combination of all these ingredients will result in a healthy drink loaded with nutrients. Here are some of the best juices to increase hemoglobin:
1. Beetroot, carrot and orange juice
Beets, a great source of iron, shine in this juice to raise hemoglobin that includes two foods rich in vitamin C: carrots and oranges. To craft it, you need:
• 1 beetroot
• 1 carrot
• 6 oranges
Peel and chop the beetroot and carrot, extract the juice from the orange and mix it all in a blender or blender.
2. Spinach, celery and carrot juice
This shake to raise hemoglobin is perfect for improving iron absorption and raising ferritin. To prepare it, you need:
• 6 carrots
• 1 bunch of spinach
• 1 stalk of celery
Wash, peel and chop all the ingredients and put them in the blender. Beat until you get the juice and enjoy it cold.
Many people can improve their hemoglobin levels with dietary changes and supplements. Speak with a doctor to determine the correct dose of supplements.
If hemoglobin levels remain low, it is possible that a person needs further treatment, such as a blood transfusion.
Depending on what is causing the low hemoglobin and the treatments being tried, it may take up to a year for the levels to reach a healthy range.